03 February 2009


This time in life is so weird. People are getting married and moving and having babies. In some ways I feel like I am in the fast lane. Graduating, moving, planning for starting a ministry. And then other times I feel like everyone is in the HOV lane driving fast, and I am stuck on the other side in traffic. I have so much to do and yet nothing at all. Transition is weird - I will be glad to get up to Bend.

Moving will be crazy and exciting. I still don't know how I feel about living where it snows. My heart burns with passion though when I think about special needs ministry and working with Antioch. God has so prepared the way and now I get to walk in it. It's one of the best feelings in the world to know you're walking in the will of the Lord.

South Africa was incredible. I can't really sum it up - which is why I hate the question "how was Africa?" Really? You want me to say in a couple sentences how AFRICA was? Well if you want the long version: biolateamsouthafrica.blogspot.com.

Be blessed.Peace.


1 comment:

Meagan said...

oh transitioning. what an opportunity! I'm so excited for you!! :) When will you be in Bend?