13 April 2009

Proverbs 16:9

The truest thing in my life right now.

18 March 2009

The Adventure

I should be packing, but I hate packing. So here are the other 2 videos. Mom is so silly. We had a great adventure up here. Maybe I will tell you all about it sometime!

08 March 2009

And So This Is It

I have been in Bend for 3 weeks now. It's strange how much it can feel like home, and yet I still feel a visitor. I'm learning what real transition is. Not the "throw everybody together in a community and love each other" (like Biola or camp), but forging your way in a new place and figuring out who you are again. There is something about being the new kid that yells loudly in your face who you are and how it's different from who you want to be.

I am still loving the snow. It doesn't happen too often, but when it does it's beautiful. My sister and I went snow shoeing today. It was beautiful and peaceful.

I have met some cool people.But I never realized how awkward the transition is from new "friend" to real friend. I spend a lot of time with my sister and a lot of time at home. I love it though. The family that I am living with is amazing. We have dance parties and pillow fights. Darcy and Scott are a solid couple and I can learn a lot from them. So I am perfectly content to spend all my time at home. For now.

Did I mention that it's beautiful here?

28 February 2009

Paved Paradise

Don't it always seem to go, that you don't know what you've got, till it's gone?
They paved paradise and put up a parking lot.

I'm learning what it really means to wrestle with the Lord. And it feels so good when I'm done - like that energy you get after you work yourself really hard or go for a long, hard run. He's teaching me so much and it took my 22 years to figure out how to listen and I still have so much more to learn.

On another note, Oswald Chambers is brilliant. I've thought so for awhile, but he never ceases to amaze me.

25 February 2009

03 February 2009


This time in life is so weird. People are getting married and moving and having babies. In some ways I feel like I am in the fast lane. Graduating, moving, planning for starting a ministry. And then other times I feel like everyone is in the HOV lane driving fast, and I am stuck on the other side in traffic. I have so much to do and yet nothing at all. Transition is weird - I will be glad to get up to Bend.

Moving will be crazy and exciting. I still don't know how I feel about living where it snows. My heart burns with passion though when I think about special needs ministry and working with Antioch. God has so prepared the way and now I get to walk in it. It's one of the best feelings in the world to know you're walking in the will of the Lord.

South Africa was incredible. I can't really sum it up - which is why I hate the question "how was Africa?" Really? You want me to say in a couple sentences how AFRICA was? Well if you want the long version: biolateamsouthafrica.blogspot.com.

Be blessed.Peace.