26 November 2008

Let's play some...FOOTBALL!

I've fallen in love this semester. I have always enjoyed watching football, but I had no idea I would so LOVE playing it! I joined an intramural team back in September (a little reluctantly, the typical "I have too much to do" excuse kept trying to come up like word vomit).

The first game of the season proved to be a battle. Our coach couldn't come, we didn't have any subs, and we got to the game 15 minutes before it started... in our tie dye shirts. The other team, "Posse", showed up with three coaches, all wearing the intimidating colors of black and red, wearing their own flags and clearly already warmed up. We immediately starting thinking of creative plays, like dancing or falling down and pretending to be dead. Well two injured players later (making 6 out of the typical 8), we took them into overtime after scoring a touchdown each. We were down two men, and they had an entire defensive and offensive team. They weren't the only one's surprised. We were too.

Well I was one of the injured players. I got a black eye and a pretty decent gash. The EMT on site sent me to urgent care. You can see the nice shot of my shiner. I felt pretty BA. I won't lie.

Well we had a pretty great season. We consistently threw off the other team with our tie dye. I played the line and usually surprised them too. All 5 feet of me held off the big girls better than they thought I could.

We made it to the championships. Back where we began, we were playing "Posse." Well it was a really close game and we were tied and in the last 20 seconds they scored a touchdown. I suppose we took some hints from the Chargers. Despite the fact that we lost that game, it was a really fun season. And I love to play football now!

19 November 2008

And Another

The shots keep coming. I got Polio yesterday. They had to pinch the back of my arm to get it...I think the pinch hurt more than the shot.

School has been so stressful lately. I graduate in 29 days, and counting. Crazy.
In the midst of all of this though, I feel God surrounding me and reminding me to rest in Him. For my favorite class of all time that I am in right now, 'Jesus Life and Ministry', we were to read all 4 Gospels. By tomorrow. Well of course I just finished tonight. Yet, I found some encouragement (of course), in the midst of this being an assignment.

John 14:27- "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid."

06 November 2008


Well yesterday the South Africa shots began. Hep A in the right arm and Typhoid in the left.
The Hep A feels fine, but the Typhoid arm is so sore. I even spiked a fever last night.
This is quite the adventure already, with fundraising, physicals, and shots! Two shots down and three shots and malaria pills to go!

I am so thrilled for this adventure. Just 5 1/2 weeks of school. Then I will be a college graduate, celebrating Christmas and almost on my way to South Africa!

03 November 2008

6 Weeks

I have two papers due Thursday. Two exams a week after that. Life is crazy. Going full speed! Fundraising for South Africa is underway. We leave next month. Crazy! 

I am constantly reminded that I make God small in the way that I think. He is so big! I can't imagine finishing all that I have to do in the 6 weeks until graduation, but I know He will pull me through. 

This post is everywhere, just like my mind!

02 November 2008

Happy Birthday Pumpkin

Emily (Pumpkin) and I have been best friends for twelve years! What a treasure that is, to have a friendship that has lasted so long. It is her 22nd birthday today!